I have always been fond of feathers, they have many concepts that I admire, such as the way they are formed, smooth one way but rough the other, how certain types reflect the light and emphasize the colours. There is also the symbolism behind each type of bird, thus then connecting to the feathers. I am researching into this as I mentioned before, my project start basis is myself, and these two subjects relate to me greatly.
Looking specifically at the 'Magpie' species, as this is the bird that means the most to me. The poem, 'one for sorrow, two for joy..' is something I follow like a religion, the superstition of gaining bad luck from one and joy from two and the spitting, saluting, throwing salt and saying that follow the seeing of one. Although in different places the rule changes. For me I salute.
It started off in the ancient European cultures, the Magpie was said to be able to predict omens, which is where the song/rhyme began to be produced.
Another symbol that I particularly am interested in is the symbolism of a circle. Undoubtedly underestimated, the circle represents a number of things, it's seen as warm and comforting and also to give a sensuality of love. Another meaning is that it's a never ending symbol, i has no points and could go on forever, this gives the concept of it standing for eternity. It can also be seen as a symbol that protects, the things within the circle are protected and restricted to others, it keeps unwanted things out.
Kate McCgwire
A recent artist I have come across. I immediately felt passionate towards her work, I feel it draws you in and just absorbs your thoughts. It relates to me, more then my work as she uses feathers a high amount within her sculptures and feathers are something I admire and love. As my project starter point is myself, I feel as though researching further into Kate will influence me in my work substantially. Another reason for Kate inspiring me as in an interview she goes onto discussing the mythical side to birds, and with my project having an aspect of superstition and symbolism, she fits in perfect to my research.
This image is incredible, Its beauty has great depth for me. The way that the feathers are entwined with each other, as though they are still alive and the bird has just taken another form. I particularly like the way the lights bring out the multi tones within each individual feather. I think elegant would be another suitable describing word to use. When thinking about the texture to this piece, from the photo it looks as though it would be soft but when stroked against the natural flow I can imagine it being quite rough, it would also disturb the way the feathers lay. On a close up photograph, as the piece is 3D, they are formed in a tube type manner, but they look hollow, as though the feathers are just a casing.
In an interview with 'Juxtapoz magazine' Kate goes on to say that people label the Pigeon as a 'rat with wings', yet the Dove is seen as the symbol of 'purity, peace and hope', even though both birds are the exact same type, the Dove just has white feathers. In this image of Kate's work, 'Wrest', you wouldn't label it as a piece made from rats with wings, as it's beauty is overpowering and resembles a Pigeon in no way, yet is created from that itself. Again the word popping into my head to describe this is elegant, the way that the sculpture twists and turns but has no edges, it looks completely smooth. I also like how she has used the same type of feather throughout this sculpture as, as in the image before, this makes it look alive, as though it could be a living thing, this again though, is my personal opinion.
Mentioning before about Kate discussing the mythology of birds, some of her sculptures represent, for me and others, the resemblance of a mythological creature, on her website, there is a small review on this particular piece, it describes it also as a mythological creature, it goes onto saying that it could be alive and hibernating. Her sculptures create many questions in the viewers mind, some strange and some that don't make any sense to the point where you're justifying to yourself that it isn't real, it can't be because it's just a sculpture, but there's always the question of, 'what if?'.
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Kate McCgwire, slick, 2010, photo; Tessa Angus |
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Kate McCgwire, Wrest, 2009, Photo; JP Bland |
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Kate McCgwire, Vex, 2008, Photo; Francis Ware |
David Hockney
The main reason I am researching into David is because of his sketch book work from the 00's. It relates greatly to my work as this is what I am doing for my project, study sketches of places I visit and general day-to-day life. Where he uses colour in his sketches as well, I will just be using your average HB pencil set but I may experiment using only two colours much like David has in the following.
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David Hockney, Sketch book London/Bruges, June 2002 |
The first sketch you see, it's quite difficult to understand what it is, but I like this fact, he's drawn it from his point of view, what he likes about it, so to him it doesn't matter what the viewer sees, it's what he sees that matters. I like working with line drawings, very minimal, and rarely any major detail. Sometimes less is more so they say.
The second image you see is much like the first, quite difficult to see what the sketch resembles. In this he includes text, and as i've stated before now, I like to include text within my own sketches. Here he is just informing the viewer of a place and date, presumably the date he was in London.
In the third he begins to use colour, but only the colour red. I think that for him, this works well, it emphasizes the objects within the image, creating a small contrast between the two.
I really like the forth image, mainly due to the fact that the main point of focus being the most detailed item, I think that this is a good way of making the point of interest stand out, adding more detail to that area and leaving the rest your basic outline/line drawings.
As his drawings go on after this I find that they become more and more detailed, not in depth, but detailed for rough sketches. I think that they start to get like this because he possibly had a longer period of time to do these, or perhaps his first few sketches, he intended them to be basic and minimal.
Overall I think that David is perfect inspiration for my rough sketches, the way he uses two colours to create contrast and add minor detail to a sketch is experimental and I intend to try this myself.
Tracey Emin
I have chosen to research into Tracey Emin as she is one of my favorite artists. I admire her work greatly and find she always inspires me within my own projects. She believes strongly in what she produces and I think that, that is important when producing your own work. I feel she relates to my work as many of her projects begin with herself as the starting point, and the majority of her work reflects on events and memories that Tracey has experienced and holds. I also think that it relates to my own work as she uses a lot of visual text in her work, the majority include quotes, feelings or thoughts whether they are the centre piece or whether they are just another part of the piece.
The neon sign piece you see above is one of Tracey's art works, with this one i like the way she uses repetition to emphasize the point she's trying to get across, in this case being 'I know' or in other words that she knows something. I like this piece because I think that using neon as part of your work creates a new atmosphere, as it's using lighting I'm presuming that the room would of had to of been darker or dull for it to be powerful, I feel that this would enable the viewer to have full concentration on what's in front of them rather then their surroundings. In my own work i want to create a similar atmosphere, I want the viewer to have full concentration on my work and to enable them to become deep in thought to the meaning behind the piece.
Tracey's bed is a well-known installation. It creates a lot of questions in the viewers mind, and from the people I've looked at it with, it has been mainly 'what is the point in it? It's crap'. To me this question is irrelevant, to say that an art piece is, is very narrow-minded. I think Emin's bed is a piece that should be idolized as it pushes boundaries due to how outrageous it is. Although saying this, I do think questions should be asked but not ones that question the artist’s skill. This piece is created using alot of textures, this is mainly from the broad range of materials that Tracey uses.
Tracey Emin, 'I know I know I know' 2007
The neon sign piece you see above is one of Tracey's art works, with this one i like the way she uses repetition to emphasize the point she's trying to get across, in this case being 'I know' or in other words that she knows something. I like this piece because I think that using neon as part of your work creates a new atmosphere, as it's using lighting I'm presuming that the room would of had to of been darker or dull for it to be powerful, I feel that this would enable the viewer to have full concentration on what's in front of them rather then their surroundings. In my own work i want to create a similar atmosphere, I want the viewer to have full concentration on my work and to enable them to become deep in thought to the meaning behind the piece.
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Tracey Emin, My bed, 1998 |
Tracey's bed is a well-known installation. It creates a lot of questions in the viewers mind, and from the people I've looked at it with, it has been mainly 'what is the point in it? It's crap'. To me this question is irrelevant, to say that an art piece is, is very narrow-minded. I think Emin's bed is a piece that should be idolized as it pushes boundaries due to how outrageous it is. Although saying this, I do think questions should be asked but not ones that question the artist’s skill. This piece is created using alot of textures, this is mainly from the broad range of materials that Tracey uses.
Along with this piece came a lot of up roar, it's much like marmite, you either love it, or you hate it, there's no in-between. Some have described the bed as 'dirty' and have said that the smell churns the stomach, then others have been able to push past such thoughts and see the real beauty of it. How it represents the teenage years of alcohol, drug and sex Emin experienced, she described the time period of 'my bed' as a time when she was 'mentally ill' although not being medically analyzed for this, this is how she felt (illuminations, tracey emin, everyone I have ever slept with. video interview).
This tent is another of Tracey's works that people question why and what the point of it is. In an interview with illuminations she discuss' that when people left the tent they were, 'thinking of anyone they've been intimate with' (illuminations video, interview Tracey Emin) and this is the effect she wanted it to have. The tent wasn't just about who she'd had sex with, it was about anyone she'd been intimate with, including just sharing the bed or sleeping. It gives a huge impact on the viewer, as leaving the tent thinking of such, would of been rather emotional, it would be something you would remember.
Statement Of Intent
Section 1
Throughout the exploratory stage I have learnt many new process’, all of which have helped me to understand which area of Art I want to specialise within. Before attending the course I knew the basics, drawing skills, painting, batik, the general knowledge of using photo shop and I had little experience with print. During the exploratory stage these skills have improved immensely and I feel as though I’ve learnt a high amount. Particularly in print, as this is where I lacked in experience.
The field trip Pembrokeshire I found to be a success I used the skills I have gained over the months and put them into use.
Section 2
Overall I decided to focus my studies within a fine art specialism, I came to this decision because I found that I prefer to use a broader range of processes and not just sticking to the one practise, fine art allows me to experiment more to my own success. This chosen area will lead me on to studying more in depth at hull university where I have applied for a BA hons in fine art, my future aspirations are currently un known but lie along the lines of furthering my practises’.
Section 3
For my personal confirmatory study I am going to be using my self as the beginning starter point of my project. Anything I produce will be linked to the beginning point in some form, this relates to my chosen path way because I stated I want to use a broad range of process’ and experiment with a broader range of techniques also, this enables me to do so. To support my project I will be producing a blog with research in which will relate to my work and provide evidence of knowledge and understanding of my chosen area, the focus of study and it will include research to where I will be looking into depth at other artists work.
When I come to developing my ideas for a final outcome, I will do this by producing a sketchbook containing study sketches, a sketchbook created on a day to day basis, a page or 2 done daily, as a diary; this could include emotions, quotes, sketches, pictures, almost anything to do with what I feel should be documented about that day. I will also have a general sketchbook, as I have also produced throughout past projects. To help produce these I will be using physical resources such as a camera, computer and a tripod, but as my specialism is fine art, I do not know as to what exact resources I will need, so any that I use will be added to my weekly evaluation.
The types of media I wish to use consist of, print, 3D, mixed media, photography and possibly photo shop. Again as with my physical resources, if I use any other form of media, this will be stated in my weekly evaluation.
For my final outcome, although I do not currently know exactly what I wish to produce, I am going to try to produce an installation or a 3D piece, this is out of my comfort zone and I feel as though this is where I should be experimenting most, in areas that I’m not completely comfortable with to expand my skills in these areas.
To name a few I will be researching into, Tracey Emin, Sarah Lucas, David Hockney and Cindy Sherman.
Section 4
Throughout the duration of this project I will be reviewing my work on a weekly basis, this will help enable me to see where I could be going wrong, if I’m following my time schedule and see where improvement is needed, doing this will help me in my future development as it gets me used to frequently evaluating my own work.
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