I have chosen to study Sarah and her work as the majority of her work is 3D and within this project I want to experiment within this area. She worked along side Tracey Emin during a period of her life, they together opened a shop. Like Emin she is very sexually orientated and this comes across in some of her installations, not all, but some. What I like most is how she has the tendency to create work that's rather bawdy. Sarah also uses photography to produce her art and in addition this is another reason as to why I feel my work relates to hers.
Sarah Lucas, Is suicide generic?, 1996 |
This is part of several piece titled the same. These works are Sarah's realisation of self destructiveness and pleasured habits such as smoking. A lot of her work involved cigarettes, in all sorts of forms. From reading a few articles (Art intelligence, Tate collections) on this particular piece it seems as though this resembles the filthy habit of smoking and death. In one case though it seems it represents her fascination between filth and sexuality.
Sarah Lucas, Bunny gets snookered, 1997 |
These 'bunnies' are a representation of the female form, the term to 'get snookered' would mean a tactic in the game itself, but Lucas has interpreted that in a sexual form, replicating the coloured snooker balls to the colour of each bunnies tights, the most important being the black, which is substantially 'skinnier' then the others, also nick named 'pauline bunny'. Quoting from a review on this installation, 'But bunny gets snookered seemed a conventionally direct shot, the abused rabbit fuckees forming a developmentally simple, illustrative diagram of the complaints of dysphoric sexuality and gender' (Frieze, Neal Brown,1997). This suggesting that, as in the game snookered would be an INDIRECT shot, the bunnies have been sexual involved in some manner and have indeed had a 'direct shot'. For me this also is suggesting that, as the game is somewhat known as a males game, Lucas is playing around with the gender of the game and involving sexual mannerism that wouldn't normally be involved. What I particularly like about this installation is how disfigured the bunnies are, how the bottom half of them are stuffed and the top half, the 'ears', are limp and sag.
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